Release 2000, The Korean movie 18+ Plum Blossom tell about Ja-hyo (Kim Rae-weon), who has just transferred to a new school and suddenly receives a bold proposal from his classmate named Ha-ra (Yun Ji-hye), that she wants to “cross the line” with Jayo. Unable to resist his own curiosity, the young man Jayo finally agrees even though he has no special feelings for Hara. After that, Jayo realizes that he has acted very rashly and tries to avoid Hara in every way. Ironically, Hara falls more and more deeply in love with Jayo, and when her despair at the indifference of her lover reaches its peak, Hara chooses to end her life, she commits suicide right at school.
At the same time, Jayo’s best friend Seuin was also caught up in a love affair that had no way out. He was deeply in love with his young teacher Jeong-hye (Jin Heui-kyeong). Although he had some feelings for his student, the distance between teacher and student and social prejudices forced teacher Junghae to reject Seuin’s true love, even though she knew that this would definitely hurt her student a lot. Jayo and Seuin, two friends with the tragedies of their youth that forever haunted them. Jayo then embarked on many affairs with many girls, but he had never known the true taste of love. Meanwhile, Seuin, after entering university, had an affair with an older woman and he still could not forget the image of teacher Junghae.